Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm a bad bad blogger

Okey, I officially suck! BUT MY INTERNET DOESN'T WORK!

I'm supposed to save money for New York in less than a month, but yesterday I went shopping and spent 400 SEK on absolutely nothing important. And now I fell bad! I have enough money saved but it's always better with more. So I'm returning a t-shirt I bought for gymclass. Anyway, I was there with Sofia and Roya for a while, then i rode my cycle home and ate sushi with Fanny, while watching the most disturbing movie ever. A french one called Inside. It sucked and I felt a little bit sick afterwards! DON'T SEE IT!
Because Fanny and I didn't feel so good after the movie I slept at her place. And got up at 7 am because she had to go to her soccermatch.

Here's a picture of the girls in my class and me. Not everyone though!
From the left- Sofia, Roya, Alexandra, Kristin, Me, Jennifer and Stella.

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